#Salvadora persica
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Misvak Ağacı
Misvak Ağacı
#ArapDişFırçası, #BitkiEkolojisi, #BitkiÖzellikleri, #FarmakolojikEtkileri, #GelenekselKullanımı, #KayuSugi, #KimyasalBileşimi, #KullanımAlanları, #MisvakAğacıNedirMisvağınFaydalarıNelerdir, #Miswak, #Peelu, #SağlıkFaydaları, #SalvadoraPersica, #TıbbiBitkiler, #TıbbiVeAromatikBitkiler, #YetiştirmeKoşulları https://is.gd/dntQ6p https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/agaclar/misvak-agaci/
Misvak Ağacı Nedir?
Misvak ağacı; Latince Salvadora persica olarak anlandırılmış Salvadoraceae familyasından bitki türüdür. İngilizce’de miswak veya kharijal olarak bilinir. Bir step bitkisi olan bu bitki; Afrika’dan Asya’ya kadar olan coğrafyada yetişmektedir. Dalları diş temizliğinde kullanılırken meyveleri ise yenebilmektedir.
Tarihi M.Ö 5000’li yıllara kadar gider ve en eski uygarlıklarca kullanılmış bir ağaçtır ve Erak ağacı (Arak Ağacı) olarak da bilinir. Yurtdışında bilinen diğer isimleri, “Arak, Arakta, Arakta dulce, Arakta hakeem, Arakta khar, Arakta khorasan, Galenia asiatica, Meswak, Meswak al-aswad, Miswak, Peelu, Pīlu, Salvadora indica, Siwāk, Toothbrush tree” olarak geçmektedir.
Misvak Ağacı İklim Tercihi
Salvadora persica bitkisi, sıcak iklimlerde yetişir ve kurak koşullara dayanıklıdır. Genellikle tropikal ve subtropikal bölgelerde bulunur. İklim isteği olarak, yüksek sıcaklıklara, düşük nem seviyelerine ve yıllık yağış miktarının az olmasına toleranslıdır. Ancak, don olaylarından ve aşırı nemden hoşlanmaz.
Kullanılan Kısımları
Salvadora persica bitkisinin çeşitli kısımları farklı amaçlarla kullanılmaktadır. Ağacın kökü, kabuğu, yaprakları ve dalları geleneksel tıp ve farmakolojide farklı şekillerde kullanılır.
En yaygın kullanımı ağacın dallarının diş fırçası olarak kullanılmasıdır. Bunun yanı sıra kökü ve kabuğu çeşitli tıbbi amaçlar için kullanılmaktadır. Kökünün ve kabuğunun özütleri antimikrobiyal, antifungal ve antienflamatuar özelliklere sahiptir. Yaprakları aynı zamanda idrar söktürücü olarak da kullanılır.
Ayrıca, Salvadora persica bitkisi geleneksel tıpta ağız hijyeni ve cilt bakımı için de kullanılır. Bitkinin kabuğundan yapılan özütler, cilt iltihabı ve yaralarının tedavisinde kullanılabilir. Bunun yanı sıra bitki yapraklarından yapılan infüzyonlar ağız kokusunu gidermek için kullanılabilir.
İLGİNİZİ ÇEKEBİLİR: Bitki Ekstraktlarının Antimikrobiyal Etkilerinin Araştırılması
Ancak, Salvadora persica bitkisi bazı yan etkilere neden olabilir. Yüksek dozda kullanıldığında, bitkinin özütleri mide rahatsızlığı, ishal ve kusmaya neden olabilir. Bu nedenle, bitkinin kullanımı önerilen dozda ve uygun şekilde yapılmalıdır.
Misvağın Faydaları Nelerdir?
Özellikle İslam Dininde önem verilmiş bir ağaç olup geçmişte ve günümüzde misvak ağacının dalları diş temizliği amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Gerçekten de diş sağlığı açısından faydalı pek çok bileşeni içerisinde doğal olarak barındırır. İçerisinde leke giderici ve diş beyazlaştırıcı silisyum, mikrop öldürücü antiseptikler, diş üzerinde ince katman oluşturarak diş ile bakteriler arasına duvar ören reçinemsi maddeler ve taş oluşumu önleyen klorür gibi maddeleri ihtiva etmektedir. Tükürük salgısını arttırıcı etkisi bulunur.
İslam’da Önemi
Salvadora persica bitkisi İslam dininde önemli bir yere sahiptir ve Peygamber Efendimiz Hz. Muhammed (sav) tarafından sık sık kullanılmıştır. Peygamber Efendimiz, bu bitkiyi diş temizliği için kullanmış ve dişlerin güçlenmesine ve ağız kokusunun giderilmesine yardımcı olduğunu söylemiştir. Ayrıca, Salvadora persica bitkisinin dişlerin beyazlamasına da yardımcı olduğu bilinmektedir. İslam dininde bu bitkiye “Misvak” adı verilmektedir ve Müslümanlar arasında yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır.
Günümüzde bazı diş macunu markaları misvak özlü diş macunları üretmektedirler.
Yapılan pek çok bilimsel araştırma ile gerçekten de misvak kullanmanın, diş sağlığı için en az diş macunları kadar faydalı olduklarını ortaya koymuştur. Hatta bazı durumlarda diş macunlarının ciddi zararları olabilecek iken misvağın hiç bir yan etkisinin bulunmaması ve diş eti sorunları içinde fayda sağlamasının yanı sıra tükürük salgısını arttırması bu konuda misvağın ne derecede etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
Misvak Nasıl Kullanılır – Misvak Nasıl Saklanır?
Küçük bir çubuk şeklinde satın alınan misvağı kullanmak için fırça olarak kullanılacak ağızda biraz ezilerek veya suda bekletilerek liflerinin çıkması sağlanır. Bu şekilde kullanılabilir. Misvağın temizlenmesi ve kullanıldıktan sonra saklanması normal diş fırçalarında olduğu gibidir. Kullanıldıktan sonra yıkanıp diş fırçası konumunda saklanabilir. Ayrıca misvak kabı misvağı saklamak için kullanılabilir. Bunun için bir diş fırçası saklama kabı da kullanılabilir. Günlük düzenli kullanımlarda haftada bir misvağın fırça kısmı kesilip atılmalı ve bir alt kısım fırça şekline getirilerek kullanılmalıdır.
Ayrıca; öğütülmüş misvaklardan elde edilen misvak tozu doğal diş macunu olarak su ile ıslatılarak kullanılabilir. Bu toz aynı zamanda çeşitli güzellik maskelerinin yapımında da kullanılır.
Misvakta Bulunan Dişlere Faydalı Maddeler
Alkaloitler (Salvadorin, Trimetilamin) antibakteriyel etkiye sahiptir Silika – doğal aşındırıcı, lekeleri giderir Kalsiyum, Kloritler, Florürler: Dişler için en önemli minerallerdir. Diş taşlarının önlenmesinde ve dişlerin kuvvetlenmesinde rol oynarlar. Sülfür C vitamini Reçineler – Çürük oluşumunu önlemek için diş minesi üzerinde koruyucu bir tabaka oluşturur. Tanenler – Doğal bir büzücü işlevi görür, tükürük üretimini uyarır Saponinler, Flavonoidler ve Steroller Esansiyel yağlar — hafif bir tat ve koku verir, tükürük üretimini uyarır ve şişkinliği giderir
Bu ağacın sadece dalları değil, olgunlaşmış meyveleri de tüketilebilir. Misvak yağı çeşitli eklem ağrılarına ve romatizmal sorunlara uygulanabilir.
Misvak Meyvesi (Kebas) Nedir?
Misvak ağacının meyvesi Kebas olarak bilinir. Daha çok frenk üzümünü andıran bir görüntüsü bulunmaktadır. Meyvesi frenk üzümü boyutlarında olup içerisinde küçük ve sert bir çekirdeği bulunur. Yeşil meyveler yaz ayı boyunca olgunlaşarak önce kırmızı sonra siyahlaşır. Siyah meyveler oldukça lezzetlidir. Kebas meyvesi, böbreklere ve mideye karşı faydalı bir meyvedir.
#Arap diş fırçası#Bitki ekolojisi#Bitki özellikleri#Farmakolojik etkileri#Geleneksel kullanımı#Kayu Sugi#Kimyasal bileşimi#Kullanım alanları#Misvak Ağacı Nedir? Misvağın Faydaları Nelerdir?#Miswak#Peelu#Sağlık faydaları#Salvadora persica#Tıbbi bitkiler#tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler#Yetiştirme koşulları
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Natural Earth
I made this to pair with my “Sea Devil” piece, but I went with my more nature-y Frutiger Aero aesthetic that I don’t often give as much attention to!
Below is all of the text I put together for this so it’s easier to read:
Asclepias syriaca - Chamaenerion angustifolium - Oxalis latifolia - Salvadora persica - Taxus baccata - Lilium lancifolium - Olea europaea - Endocellion glaciale - Terminalia arjuna - tapeinochilos ananassae - Protea repens - Eucalyptus camaldulensis - Acer palmatum - Drosera quartzicola - Kunzea ericoides Together, we breathe in the earth and exhale our lives CONSERVE YOUR COMPASSION
The list of scientific names is of different plants all over the world, and I tried to be as varied as possible! Despite how different places all over the world may be, nature is always a uniting constant.
#digital art#digital illustration#naturecore#y2k#y2k aesthetic#frutiger aero#frutiger aesthetic#2000s#green#turqoise#art#illustration#original character#cute art#y2kcore#2000s aesthetic#original art#nature#oc#devil character#creepincrawl
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The Holistic Approach of Islam to Health and Lifestyle
Within the all encompassing teachings of Islam lies a profound guide to well-being. This article explores the holistic approach of Islam towards health, encompassing dietary habits, dental hygiene, and moderation in various aspects of life. Through engaging insights, we delve into the beauty of Islam’s solutions to health issues, backed by references that illuminate the wisdom behind these practices.
The Significance of Dietary Choices in Islam
A Balanced eating habit in Islam encourages a balanced approach to eating, eating only when one is hungry to avoid overindulging, and advocating that one-third of the stomach be filled with food, one-third with water, and leaving one-third empty. This principle promotes moderation, aiding digestion, and preventing overeating.
Islamic teachings warn against indulging in excessive eating, recognizing the negative impact on physical health. The beauty of this guidance lies in promoting mindfulness and appreciation for the sustenance provided by Allah by being appreciative and thankful to God after every meal and drink.
Children of Adam, dress well whenever you are at worship, and eat and drink [as We have permitted] but do not be extravagant: God does not like extravagant people. [Quran 7:31]
Dental Hygiene in Islam: The Miracle of the Miswak
The Miswak: Nature’s Toothbrush Islam encourages the use of the miswak, a teeth-cleaning twig from the Salvadora persica tree, as a prophetic practice. Scientific studies endorse the efficacy of the miswak in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing dental issues.
Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “If I had not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak for every prayer.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 2, Hadith 12)
Moderation in Red Meat Consumption
Islamic teachings advocate moderation in red meat consumption, recognising its nutritional value while cautioning against excessive intake. This guidance aligns with modern nutritional recommendations for a balanced and healthy diet (see references below).
Hadith: “The stomach is the home of disease, and prevention is half of health.”
Fasting: A Detox for the Soul and Body
The Spiritual and Physical Benefits of Fasting: Islamic fasting during the month of Ramadan offers spiritual purification and serves as a detox for the body. Scientific research supports the positive impact of intermittent fasting on overall health.
O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you — as it was for those before you1 — so perhaps you will become mindful ˹of Allah˺. [Quran 2:183]
He is the One Who produces gardens — both cultivated and wild1 — and palm trees, crops of different flavours, olives, and pomegranates — similar ˹in shape˺, but dissimilar ˹in taste˺. Eat of the fruit they bear and pay the dues at harvest, but do not waste. Surely He does not like the wasteful. [Quran 6:141]
The beauty of Islam shines through its holistic approach to health, offering timeless guidance on dietary habits, dental hygiene, and lifestyle choices. Rooted in the teachings of the Quran and the practices of Prophet Muhammad, these principles not only promote physical well-being but also foster a connection between individuals and the natural world. As we embrace the wisdom of Islamic solutions to health issues, let us recognise the profound impact they can have on our overall well-being, reflecting the holistic beauty of Islam and it’s impact on every facet of our lives.
To learn more about islam visit: howtomuslim.org
Mattson, M. P. et al. (2017). “Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes.” Ageing Research Reviews, 39, 46–58.
Sofrata, A. et al. (2011). “In vitro antimicrobial and resistance-modifying activities of aqueous crude khat extracts against oral microorganisms.” Archives of Oral Biology, 56(10), 1065–1071.
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Misvak Nedir ve Faydaları Nelerdir?
Misvak, yüzyıllardır tıbbi ve arınma amaçları için kullanılan bir ağaçtır. Misvak, dişlerinizi ve diş etlerinizi arındırmak için kullanılan özel olarak işlenmiş bir ağaçtır. Misvak, diş macunu gibi diş arındırma ürünlerine göre daha hafif ve nazik bir arındırma sağlar. Günlük kullanımda, misvak dişlerinizin arındırılmasını ve diş etlerinizin temizliğini sağlayarak dişlerinizin ve diş etlerinizin sağlığını korur. Misvak, yüzyıllardır doğal diş fırçası ve ağız hijyeni yardımcısı olarak kullanılan Salvadora persica ağacından küçük bir dal veya çubuktur. Misvak’ın kaydedilen ilk kullanımı İslâm tarihine göre, Hz. Muhammed (Sallâllâhü Aleyhi ve Sellem), dişleri arındırmak ve diş eti sağlığını korumak için misvak kullanmanın önemini vurgulamıştır.
Misvak Nedir?
Misvak, dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinde yüzyıllardır kullanılan doğal bir dişçilik aletidir. Salvadora persica ağacından bir dal veya çubuk çiğnenir ve lifler daha sonra dişleri temizlemek için kullanılır. Plak çıkarmada normal bir diş fırçası kadar etkili olduğu gösterilmiştir ve bazı geleneksel tıp uygulamalarında da kullanılmıştır. Misvak kullanımı, daha doğal, uygun maliyetli ve çevre dostu olduğu için geleneksel diş fırçalarına bir alternatif olarak popülaritesini artırıyor.
Misvak Özü Nedir?
Misvak özü, dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinde yüzyıllardır kullanılan doğal bir dişçilik aleti olan Salvadora persica ağacının ince dallarından veya çubuklarından elde edilen bir özdür Diş etlerindeki iltihabı azaltmaya ve ağız sağlığını iyileştirmeye yardımcı olan antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özellikleriyle bilinir. Ayrıca diş minesini güçlendirmeye ve ağız kokusunu azaltmaya yardımcı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Doğal haliyle veya ekstrakt olarak kullanılabilir ve plak çıkarmada ve diş çürümesini önlemede normal bir diş fırçası kadar etkili olduğuna inanılır.
Misvak Neden Kullanılır?
Misvak, plağın çıkarılması ve diş çürümesi, diş eti iltihabı ve boşlukların önlenmesi dahil olmak üzere çeşitli diş amaçları için kullanılır. Dal veya çubuktan elde edilen lifler, plak oluşumuna neden olabilecek bakteri ve yiyecek parçacıklarını uzaklaştırarak dişleri ve diş etlerini temizlemeye yardımcı olur. Ek olarak, misvakın antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özellikleri, diş etlerindeki iltihaplanmayı azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir ve bu da ağız sağlığının iyileşmesine yol açabilir. Son olarak misvak kullanımının diş minesini güçlendirmeye ve ağız kokusunu azaltmaya yardımcı olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Misvak Nasıl Kullanılır?
Misvak kullanmak için, düz bir dal veya çubuk seçerek başlamalısınız. Daha sonra, daha yumuşak iç tabakaya ulaşana kadar dalın veya çubuğun dış tabakasını soymalısınız. Dış tabakayı soyduktan sonra Misvak’a fırça benzeri bir şekil verebilirsiniz. Son olarak, dişlerinizin yüzeyinden plak ve bakterileri çıkarmaya yardımcı olmak için dairesel hareketler kullanarak dişlerinizi Misvak ile fırçalamaya başlayabilirsiniz.
Misvak Kullanılırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlar Nelerdir?
Misvak kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gereken birkaç nokta vardır: Düz ve düğümsüz bir dal veya çubuk seçin. Daha yumuşak iç katmana ulaşana kadar dalın veya çubuğun dış katmanını soyun. Misvak’ı fırça benzeri bir şekle getirin. Dişlerinizin yüzeyinden plak ve bakterileri çıkarmaya yardımcı olmak için dairesel hareketler kullanarak dişlerinizi misvak ile fırçalayın. Kalan parçacıkları çıkarmak için diş ipi kullandığınızdan ve gargara kullandığınızdan emin olun. Misvak’ı iki haftada bir veya kıllar yıpranmaya başladığında değiştirin.
Misvak Kullanmanın Faydaları Nelerdir
Diş hijyeni için Misvak kullanmanın birçok faydası vardır. Geleneksel diş fırçalarına tamamen doğal, uygun maliyetli ve çevre dostu bir alternatiftir. Ek olarak, plağı çıkarmada ve diş çürümelerini ve boşlukları önlemede normal bir diş fırçası kadar etkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Misvakın antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özellikleri, diş etlerindeki iltihabı azaltmaya yardımcı olarak ağız sağlığının iyileşmesine yol açar. Son olarak diş minesini güçlendirmeye ve ağız kokusunu azaltmaya yardımcı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Misvak bir ağız bakım aracı olarak birçok faydaya sahiptir. Ağızdaki bakterileri öldürmeye, diş çürümesi ve diş eti hastalığı riskini azaltmaya yardımcı olan doğal antimikrobiyal özelliklere sahiptir. Özellikleri arasında birçok etkiye sahiptir bunlardan bazıları ise; aşındırıcıdır, bu da plak ve yemek artıklarının dişlerden uzaklaştırılmasına yardımcı olur. Ayrıca misvak, diş etlerini sıkılaştırmaya ve güçlendirmeye yardımcı olabilecek büzücü özelliklere sahiptir. Bazı araştırmalar da misvakın ağız kokusu üzerinde olumlu etkisi olabileceğini öne sürmüştür.
Misvak Diş Çürümesine İyi Gelir mi?
Araştırmalar, Misvak kullanımının diş çürümesi, diş eti iltihabı ve boşluk riskini azaltmaya yardımcı olabileceğini göstermiştir. Dal veya çubuktan elde edilen doğal lifler, dişleri ve diş etlerini temizlemeye yardımcı olarak plak oluşumuna neden olabilecek bakteri ve yiyecek parçacıklarını giderir. Ek olarak, Misvak’ın antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özellikleri diş etlerindeki iltihaplanmayı azaltarak ağız sağlığının iyileşmesine yardımcı olabilir. Son olarak misvak kullanımının diş minesini güçlendirmeye ve ağız kokusunu azaltmaya yardımcı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.
Misvak ile İlgili Bilimsel Araştırma
Misvak’ın etkinliği konusunda çok sayıda bilimsel çalışma yapılmıştır. 2019’da yapılan bir araştırma, Misvak’ın plağı gidermede ve diş çürümesini önlemede normal bir diş fırçası kadar etkili olduğunu gösterdi Ek olarak, 2020 yılında yapılan bir araştırma, Misvak kullanımının diş eti iltihabı ve boşluklarda azalmanın yanı sıra iltihaplanma ve ağız kokusunda azalma ile bağlantılı olduğunu buldu. Misvak ile İlgili Bilimsel Bulgular Misvak ile ilgili önemli bilimsel bulgular: Misvak, plağı gidermede ve diş çürümelerini önlemede normal bir diş fırçası kadar etkilidir. Misvak kullanımı, diş eti iltihabı ve diş çürüklerinde azalma ile bağlantılıdır. Misvak, ağız sağlığını iyileştirmeye yardımcı olabilecek antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özelliklere sahiptir. Misvak, diş etlerindeki iltihabı azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir ve bu da ağız sağlığının iyileşmesine yol açar. Misvak’ın diş minesini güçlendirmeye ve ağız kokusunu azaltmaya yardımcı olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Misvak Özlü Diş Macunlarının Etkisi
Araştırmalar, misvak özlü diş macunlarının plak ve diş eti iltihabını azaltmada geleneksel diş macunları kadar etkili olabileceğini bulmuştur. Ayrıca misvak özlü diş macununun ağız kokusunu azaltmak ve dişleri beyazlatmak gibi ek faydaları da olabilir. Misvak özlü diş macunlarının geleneksel diş macunlarından daha az kimyasal içerdiği için daha doğal ve potansiyel olarak daha sağlıklı bir seçenek haline getirir.
Misvak Saklamanın En İyi Yolu Nedir?
Misvak saklamak için en iyi yol, onları hava almayacak bir kap içinde saklamaktır. Misvak ağacı, nemli ortamlarda çabuk bozulabilir, bu nedenle misvak hava almayacak bir kap içinde saklanması önerilir. Ayrıca, misvak sürekli olarak nemli bir ortamda saklanmamalıdır. Çok sıcak ortamlarda saklamak da tavsiye edilmemektedir.
Günümüzde Misvak Kullanımı
Misvak, dünyanın birçok yerinde yaygın olarak bulunur ve özel mağazalardan veya çevrimiçi olarak satın alınabilir. Genellikle doğal haliyle satılır, ancak macun veya diş macunu şeklinde de bulunabilir. Misvak kullanmak için, kullanıcı daldan küçük bir parça koparır ve yumuşatmak ve kıllı bir yüzey oluşturmak için bir ucunu çiğner. Misvak daha sonra diş fırçasına benzer şekilde dişleri ve diş etlerini fırçalamak için kullanılır. Kullandıktan sonra ağzı iyice çalkalamak ve misvaklamak önemlidir. Günümüzde misvak birçok Müslüman kesim tarafından sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Zira Müslüman kesim dışında yabancı etnik kökene sahip ya da farklı dinlere mensup kişilerce de kullanıldığı belirtilebilir. Faydaları ve etkisi göz önüne alındığında birçok kişinin zararlı olan diş macunlarını değil, aksine sağlığı ile bilinen Misvak kullanmayı tercih etmesi daha belirgin yönlerdendir. Misvak, İslam toplumlarında uzun bir kullanım geçmişi olan geleneksel bir ağız bakım aracıdır. Doğal bir diş fırçası ve ağız hijyeni yardımcısı olarak, antimikrobiyal özellikler, plak ve gıda parçacıklarını çıkarma yeteneği ve diş etlerini sıkılaştırmaya ve güçlendirmeye yardımcı olabilecek büzücü özellikler dahil olmak üzere birçok faydası vardır. Yayg��n olarak bulunabilmesi ve kullanımı kolay olması, ağız hijyenini korumak için uygun ve etkili bir seçenek olmasını sağlar. (BSHA – Bilim ve Sağlık Haber Ajansı) Read the full article
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Send me a word! || learn all about my muse's physical features!
[mouth]: are their lips always drawn thin or are they plump and kissable, what's their "default expression"/resting face, do they have all their own teeth, do they use their teeth to smile, etc.
Wolf has large, crooked frontteeth causing a mild overbite. Her upper lip is slimmer than her very plumb (kissable) lower lip. Poxscars had eaten into the left corner of her mouth and she has a few small round scars on her lower lip. Due to Wolfs dark complexion the poxscars on her lips stand a bit more out than the one on her cheeks, jaws, neck and forehead. Wolf has the habit of sucking on those scars in the corner of her mouth when she is thinking, comparebale to someone pulling their lip when in thoughts or bored.
Her big frontteeth are only visible when she smiles and laughs, so she also uses her teeth to smile very often.
Wolfs "Default expression" is with her mouth slightly open or with a small smile curling around the left corner of her mouth.
Due to Pisa beeing a trading city, Wolf usually chews on Salvadora persica for taking care of her teeth and will use applevinegar as a mouth-wash every morning and evening. Accordingly Wolf has still all her teeth beside the already pulled wisdom teeth, though considering how the form of her skull had changed Wolf thinks it would be better if she would let one more molar pulled on each side, but really does not want to do that with her eras tools.
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‘Ali came home one day from a journey (it was said after war) that he had been dispatched on by the Prophet Muhammed, upon him be peace and blessings, to find his wife, Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet, brushing her teeth with a siwak – twig of an Arak (Salvadora persica) tree used for brushing teeth. Spontaneously, he spouted out poetic endearment:
هنئت يا عود الأراك بثغرها … أما خشيت يا أراكُ أراك
لو كان غيرك يا سواك قتلته … ما فاز منى يا سواكُ سواك
Fortunate are you O twig of the Arak tree,
Have you no fear of me observing you in this embrace
If it were other than you…O Siwak! I would have killed you!
None found this fortune of embrace before me, but you.
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Healthy Teeth, Happy Mouth: Why Herbal Toothpaste is Worth a Try
Herbal toothpastes are toothpastes that are made from natural ingredients derived from plants. These toothpastes are marketed as a more natural and healthier alternative to traditional toothpastes, which often contain synthetic ingredients. Here are some common herbal ingredients found in herbal toothpastes:
Neem: Neem is a tree native to India and is a common ingredient in herbal toothpastes. It has antibacterial properties and is believed to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
Clove: Clove has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for toothaches. It has antibacterial properties and is also believed to help freshen breath.
Peppermint: Peppermint is commonly used in toothpastes to freshen breath. It has a cooling effect that can also help to soothe toothaches.
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that is often used in herbal toothpastes to help kill bacteria and prevent tooth decay.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon has antibacterial properties and is believed to help freshen breath.
It's important to note that while herbal toothpastes may offer some benefits, they may not contain fluoride, which is an important ingredient for preventing tooth decay. Be sure to check the label before purchasing an herbal toothpaste and talk to your dentist about whether it's a good option for you.
Meswak is a medicinal plant commonly known as "Toothbrush Tree" or "Salvadora Persica". It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and oral hygiene practices. In recent years, it has become a popular ingredient in herbal toothpastes due to its potential oral health benefits.
Studies have suggested that meswak extract may have antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties may help to reduce plaque formation, fight gum disease, and promote overall oral health.
Several studies have compared the effectiveness of meswak-containing toothpaste to conventional toothpaste in terms of reducing plaque and gum inflammation. One study found that meswak toothpaste was more effective than conventional toothpaste in reducing plaque and gingival inflammation after two weeks of use. Another study found that meswak-containing toothpaste was effective in reducing bleeding gums.
It is important to note, however, that the effectiveness of meswak in toothpaste may vary depending on the concentration of the extract and the formulation of the toothpaste. Additionally, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and limitations of meswak-containing toothpaste.
Overall, meswak appears to have some potential benefits for oral health when used in toothpaste. However, it is always important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily, to maintain optimal oral health.
Paan, also known as betel leaf, is a popular leafy herb in South and Southeast Asia. Paan essential oil is derived from the steam distillation of betel leaves and is known to have various therapeutic properties, including antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Studies have shown that the use of paan essential oil can improve oral health in several ways. Here are some potential benefits:
Reducing bad breath: Paan essential oil has been shown to have antimicrobial properties that can help reduce the bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath.
Fighting dental plaque: Paan essential oil has been found to inhibit the growth of oral bacteria that cause dental plaque, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Paan essential oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the gums and other oral tissues.
Reducing oral infections: Paan essential oil has been found to have antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent and treat oral infections.
It is important to note that while paan essential oil may offer some benefits for oral health, it should be used with caution. High concentrations of paan essential oil can be toxic and may cause irritation or other adverse effects. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional before using paan essential oil for oral health purposes.
Herbal toothpaste and fluoride toothpaste have their unique advantages, and it is essential to understand them to make an informed decision when choosing the best option for your oral hygiene. Here are some advantages of herbal toothpaste over fluoride toothpaste:
Natural ingredients: Herbal toothpaste contains natural ingredients like plant extracts, essential oils, and herbs, which can be beneficial for your oral health. These ingredients do not have any side effects and are gentle on the teeth and gums.
Free from harmful chemicals: Herbal toothpaste is free from harsh chemicals like parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and triclosan, which are present in some fluoride toothpaste. These chemicals can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people.
No risk of fluoride toxicity: Fluoride toothpaste can be dangerous if ingested in large quantities, especially by children. Herbal toothpaste does not contain fluoride, eliminating the risk of toxicity.
Fresh breath: Herbal toothpaste contains natural flavoring agents like peppermint and spearmint that give you fresh breath without any chemical aftertaste.
Environmentally friendly: Herbal toothpaste is usually packaged in eco-friendly materials that are biodegradable and have minimal impact on the environment.
It is important to note that while herbal toothpaste may have some advantages over fluoride toothpaste, it may not be as effective in preventing tooth decay as fluoride toothpaste. Consult with your dentist to determine the best toothpaste for your specific oral health needs.
There could be a variety of reasons why someone might prefer herbal toothpastes over other regular toothpastes. Here are a few possibilities:
Personal preference: Some people simply prefer the taste and texture of herbal toothpastes over other types of toothpaste.
Natural ingredients: Herbal toothpastes often contain natural ingredients like neem, clove, or peppermint oil, which some people may prefer over the synthetic ingredients found in regular toothpastes.
Health concerns: Some people may be concerned about the potential health risks associated with certain ingredients found in regular toothpastes, such as fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, or triclosan. They may opt for herbal toothpastes as a safer alternative.
Environmental concerns: Herbal toothpastes may be perceived as being more eco-friendly than regular toothpastes, as they often use natural and biodegradable ingredients, and may come in packaging that is more sustainable.
Cultural or traditional beliefs: In some cultures, the use of certain herbs in oral hygiene is a traditional practice, and people may prefer herbal toothpastes as a way to connect with their cultural or ancestral heritage.
It's important to note that while herbal toothpastes may offer some benefits, they may not be suitable for everyone. It's always a good idea to consult with a dentist or dental professional before switching to a new type of toothpaste to ensure that it meets your oral health needs.
There are a few instances when you may want to consider switching to a herbal toothpaste:
Sensitivity to chemical ingredients: Some people may be sensitive or allergic to the chemicals commonly found in conventional toothpaste, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or artificial sweeteners. Herbal toothpaste may be a good alternative for these individuals, as they typically contain natural ingredients and fewer chemicals.
Preference for natural products: If you prefer to use natural or organic products, you may want to switch to a herbal toothpaste. These products typically contain ingredients derived from plants, such as neem, clove, or peppermint.
Gum inflammation or bleeding: If you experience gum inflammation or bleeding, herbal toothpaste may help alleviate these symptoms. Some herbal ingredients, such as aloe vera or tea tree oil, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can promote gum health.
Bad breath: If you have bad breath, herbal toothpaste may be helpful as it often contains natural breath-freshening ingredients, such as mint or cinnamon.
It's important to note that while herbal toothpaste may offer some benefits, it's still important to practice good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily, to maintain good oral health. If you have any concerns about your oral health or are experiencing any dental problems, it's always best to consult with your dentist.
Herbal toothpastes are toothpastes made with natural ingredients like herbs, roots, and spices. There have been several studies conducted on the effectiveness of herbal toothpastes for oral health. Here are some key findings from those studies:
Reduces plaque and gingivitis: A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine found that an herbal toothpaste containing neem, clove, and fennel was effective in reducing plaque and gingivitis in study participants. The researchers attributed the effectiveness of the herbal toothpaste to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the ingredients.
Provides relief for sensitive teeth: A study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research found that an herbal toothpaste containing Aloe vera and tea tree oil was effective in reducing tooth sensitivity. The researchers attributed this to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Aloe vera and tea tree oil.
Has similar effectiveness to conventional toothpaste: A study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology compared the effectiveness of an herbal toothpaste containing Miswak extract to a conventional toothpaste containing fluoride. The study found that the herbal toothpaste was just as effective as the conventional toothpaste in reducing plaque and improving gum health.
Can help prevent cavities: A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies found that an herbal toothpaste containing green tea extract was effective in preventing cavities. The researchers attributed this to the antibacterial properties of green tea.
Overall, these studies suggest that herbal toothpastes can be effective for maintaining good oral health. However, it's important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the benefits and potential drawbacks of using herbal toothpastes. Additionally, it's important to choose a toothpaste that has been approved by a dental professional and to follow a consistent oral hygiene routine that includes regular brushing and flossing.
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Effect of Salvadora persica on reproductive behavior in rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Effect of Salvadora persica on reproductive behavior in rats exposed to cigarette smoke. @JPPRes
Article published in Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 7(6): 433-440, 2019. Syed Imam Rabbani
Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Qassim University, Buraidah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.*E-mail: [email protected]
Context: The components of cigarette smoke are known to adversely affect the reproductive behavior in men and women. Salvadora persica co…
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Tips For When Dental Hygiene Is Hard
On this account we cover how to do things that are "common sense" or otherwise untaught for the people who dont know. Shame-free. Today, we'll be covering some tips and tricks for keeping up with dental health when times get rough.
Often when we begin to struggle, we spend so much time and energy trying to keep ourselves going that hygiene is the first things to slip away. Unlike other hygiene, Dental hygiene is very important and if things start to go awry it can be extremely expensive to fix. Here are some tips to help keep your teeth clean when you feel like its the last thing on your mind.
1) Simplify it - Brushing your teeth can come with so many rules and critiques from dentists that it starts to feel like you shouldnt even do it at all. You're technically supposed to brush twice a day, or even after every meal according to some, and for two minutes at the least.
This isnt realistic for a lot of people who are struggling. To get the energy to get up at least twice a day and perform a boring, often unenjoyable task for two straight minutes can be the last thing you want to do.
The key to this is to simplify it. If you cant brush for 2 minutes, twice a day, then brush for as long as you can whenever you feel like you can. Whether its 3am or 3pm, if the motivation strikes, then do it. A quick once over with a toothbrush will help in the long run, more than you think. You dont even need to use toothpaste. The greatest threat to your teeth is simply the plaque that builds up after eating - and removing plaque only requires some scrubbing with a regular, soft toothbrush.
2) Avoiding deterrents - Some people may hate brushing their teeth because certain parts of it can be unenjoyable. For most, this can be the taste of the toothpaste, especially for neurodivergent people. If its too minty or generally just tastes bad, theres absolutely nothing stopping you from getting a children's toothpaste with a fruity, gentle flavor. Same goes for mouthwash. If you hate the mint, try out bubblegum or berry splash for kids.
Is it the action of getting up and going to do it? Leave a toothbrush by your bed and scrub whenever you have the motivation, or better yet, pick up a bag of some disposable mini toothbrushes. These come with a dollop of toothpaste in the center, requires no water, and is ready to go whenever you need it. Flossers are another easy addition to your nightstand to use whenever the motivation strikes.
Theres two other products that are great for convenient brushing. Disposable finger brushes and tooth tissues. Disposable finger brushes are a unique type of wipes you slip onto your finger and scrub your teeth with. They're great for people with sensitive teeth or sensory issues from toothbrush bristles. Tooth tissues are very similar and are exactly what they sound like. A type of moist towelette often used for children, but theres nothing stopping you from picking up a pack to keep beside your bed, couch, or in your bag.
Miswak is a traditional oral hygiene aid popular in some parts of South Asia and Africa made from the Salvadora persica tree. Its been used for thousands of years and doesnt require toothpaste to clean your teeth. The World Health Organization (WHO) has encouraged people to use Miswaks for their natural health benefits. They contain natural minerals such as chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium to help strengthen your enamel and fight plaque and gum disease. They are fully biodegradable and vegan if single use plastics are something you worry about.
One last product you can keep on you is Xylitol gum. Xylitol is a sugar that actually reduces plaque buildup and prevents tooth decay by killing the bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities. You can get the gum in a variety of flavors and pop a tablet in your mouth whenever you see fit.
3) Scheduling - Scheduling can be some peoples worst nightmare. Many people feel like theres only a certain timeslot they can perform an action and if they miss that timeslot, they have to wait for the next. To put it simply, thats not true. As said above, theres nothing stopping you from brushing your teeth whenever you feel like you can.
Another tip is to keep your toothbrush in the shower. When you're in the shower and you see your toothbrush laying there, some find it easier to pick it up and do it then. Its a great tip that can help people who often forget to brush as well.
4) Lastly, make it fun - Brushing your teeth can be a chore, but there are some ways you can make it a little more fun.
Chewable toothpaste tablets might not sound very fun, but Lushs oral hygiene line spices things up with unconventional flavors like cherry-citrus or spicy cola to make brushing fun. They also offer toothpaste in jelly form! While these options may seem redundant, a lot of people find motivation in trying and using up new products they haven't seen before.
Fun apps can give you reminders and motivation to get up and brush your teeth. Pokemon Smile is an app where youre encouraged to brush your teeth to help fight cavities, and at the end you're rewarded with a Pokemon to add to your collection. The app can be a little childish, but the visuals are adorable and the gameplay is rewarding.
Some of these recommendations may seem silly but we encourage you to try some out and see if you notice any difference in your oral habits. Its never too late to start trying to develop a routine and just trying can go a long way.
Products, Apps & Articles:
Download Pokemon Smile
Lush Oral Care
Tooth Tissues and Finger Brushes
96 Pack Colgate Mini Disposable Toothbrushes
Xylitol Gum
#actually autistic#actually neurodivergent#affirmation#encouragement#healing#mental health#positivity#recovery#reminders#tutorial#adhd#mental health support#self recovery#dental#dental care#oral hygiene#self help#self worth#self compassion#executive dysfunction
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Heavenly staff
It was the holy staff of Sayyiduna Musa عليه السلام which is commonly known as 'Asaa-e-Musa'. Several miracles exhibited by Sayyiduna Musa عليه السلام were by virtue of this holy staff. These miracles have been mentioned by the Holy Quran under different topics repeatedly. The history of this holy staff is very ancient and it comprises of hundreds of historical events that impart thousands of moral lessons. Those who possess the spiritual insight can avail the light of guidance from these events. The staff was as tall as Sayyiduna Musa عليه السلام i.e. ten arms-length (approx. 15ft). Its head was split into two branches that would emit the light at night like a lamp. It was made from the heavenly tree of Salvadora Persica (Peelu) and Sayyiduna Aadam had brought it with him from the Paradise.
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Some wild edible plants from the Arabian peninsula. For my own reference and whoever else would like to know:
Note: I'm not 100 percent on the toxicity of these plants. Information on them is few and far between.
Nitraria retusa:
red edible berries. Salt tolerant plant. Grows in the Middle East and North Africa.
(photo from username:Naturalist on iNatutalist. Image a plant with somewhat fleshy leaves and bright red berries)
Glossonema varians:
The fruit of this small wild plant are edible. They're harvested when green.
Image: photo from salla.sa (saudi seed merchant) the image is of a khaleeji style hat filled with tear drop shaped fruits. They are green ranging to brown and are covered with fleshy spikes.
Capparis spinosa: needs no introduction. This plant has edible fruit and flower buds (usually pickled)
Image: caper bush in full bloom. From alamy stock photos. It's has white flowers with pink stamens
cocculus pendulus: more of a vine than a tree. edible berries
Image: photo from flora of Qatar. Image is a close up of a red berry with leaves similar to olive leaves.
Lycium shawii:
A close relative of the goji berry. It's apparently edible but some say it's poisonous or harmful in large amounts..
Image: Wikipedia commons: image of a spiky plant with small greyish leaves and red berries.
Ziziphis (Spina Cristi, nummimura)
A tree, grows wild usually in wadis, it's fruit is edible and the leaves contain saponins and are traditionally used for washing hair and bodies of the dead before burial.
Image: Wikipedia, image of a broadleaved branch filled with little yellow flowers and some dark purplish fruit.
Rhus tripartita:
Arabic sources say it has delicious fruit. English sources all have the copy pasted line "the Arabs make an intoxicating drink from it's fruits" not sure of the original source.
Image:( flora of saudi) plant with oak like leaves, but smaller, it has green berries not yet red.
Sideroxylon mascatense: this tree grows in the mountains in oman and Yemen (it used to grow in the uae but not anymore) and the horn of Africa. It has small black berries. It's called boot in oman and is one of the few fruits listed here that I've actually tasted.
Image: from flora of the middle east. Plant with spiky branches, oval leaves and small black berries.
Grewia tenax:
Fruit is eaten fresh, dried or powdered in drinks.
Image: Wikipedia. Image of a branch, toothed leaves with a pretty white flower with slender petals and next to it is an orange fruit that looks like four orbs stuck together.
Edible greens
Erucaria hispanica: called wild rocket.
aizoon canariense: the seeds are also edible and the fleshy leaves are used as a salad green.
Rumex vesicatius: a kind of sorrel, it's sour and contain oxalic acid so can't be eaten in great quantities. It appears after the rain. Most of these greens do
Rumex cyprius: same as the above.
Cheeseweed mallow: called khubaizah in Arabic. The leaves are edible
Corchorus olitorius: jute mallow or molokhia. Popular pot herb in the middle east.
Brassica tournefortii: saharan mustard. The leaves are edible and spicy.
Edible roots
Emex spinosa: has a sweet edible root similar to a carrot but thinner.
Moraea sisyrinchium: a wild iris plant also called the barbary nut, despite some toxicity it's bulb is collected in the wild and eaten
Allium atroviolaceum: a wild leek.
Tarthooth: a parasitic plant. It's flowers are used for dye and it's flesh is edible.
Useful plants:
Salvadora persica: a large sprawling bush. Its roots are popular as toothbrushes. It's has berries and some people eat them but they taste awful so I leave them for the birds.
Moringa peregrina: this plant grows in the mountains it's seed oil used to be collected and sold. It's medicinal and cosmetic.
As you can see there's more than enough here to incorporate into any permaculture project in Arabia. Tho a lot of these plants are not cultivated and I'm not sure how easy they'd be to grow (a lot are native to mountains and won't be used to sea level shenanigans) . Im keeping an eye out for them and planning to grow them in my yard for now (those I can find)
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a birthday gift from neville! neville sends hermione a small potted sapling and a neatly wrapped book with the following note :
Happy birthday, Hermione! I was trying to think what to get you for your birthday, and I remember that you mentioned that your parents were dentists. Well I went and did some research on that, and I thought you might like this plant! This is a Salvadora persica tree ( or it will be when it grows up, it’s currently just a sapling ). It’s got a lot of very interesting properties for muggle medicine, and I’ve found some potions that use it too. I thought you would like it because it’s called the toothbrush tree in some parts of the world, so I suppose you could say it’s a birthday dentis-tree. I’ve also included a book I thought you might find interesting about the history of animagi. I know it’s a bit of an odd one, but I figure it’s obscure enough that there was a chance you hadn’t read it before. No point in getting you a book you’ve already read, right? Anyway I hope you like it, and happy birthday!
It’s Hermione’s birthday send her stuff you cowards ! // @prioriincantatem
Neville’s more thoughtful than others give him credit for. This gift is no exception. Upon opening, she can see how much care has been put into every aspect of it.
She opens the note first and she can tell this gift is perfect. She laughs and smiles with joy and opens the rest. ❝ Oh Neville, this is brilliant ! ❞ she says aloud to the note.
#prioriincantatem#📚 → ❛ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ’ꜱ ᴀ ʙᴀʟʟ: ᴀꜱᴋ ᴍᴇ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟꜱᴇ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ( &ask. )#hermione's birthday binches
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Will you please give information about oral health in terms of religion and science?
It is sunnah to keep the mouth clean.
The mouth is the first entrance gate of the digestive system. The food is tasted there, chewed, partially digested and swallowed piece by piece. 300-400 types of different microorganisms have been identified in the mouth. According to some researchers, it has been reported that there are 500 microorganisms and 700 according to other researchers. They form the oral flora, that is, the microbiota according to the new terminology. They are necessary for oral health as long as they are within normal limits. If cleanliness is not attended to, they become harmful when bacteria form microorganism colonies called biofilm (dental plaque). Therefore, if the entrance and exit of the digestive system are not kept clean, many diseases can occur. Therefore, the entrances and exits must be kept clean.
Our religion also gives importance to the cleanliness of these parts. Even prayer cannot be performed when the exit point of the digestive system is not cleaned. Taharah (cleanliness) is one of the fard deeds before starting to perform a prayer. Cleaning the mouth is also a sunnah of wudu. This sunnah is fulfilled by washing the mouth three times.
“There are degrees in the practices some are compulsory; these may not be given up. This sort are described in detail in the Illustrious Shari‘a. They are incontestable and can in no way be changed. Another sort are voluntary, and these are of two sorts:
One sort includes those practices related to worship. They too are described in the books of the Shari‘a and to change them is innovation. The other sort is known as “conduct” (adab); these practices are mentioned in the books of the Prophet’s (PBUH) biography. Opposition to them cannot be called innovation, but it is opposition of a sort to the Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct and means not benefiting from its light and true courtesy. Following this sort entails emulating him in customary, natural acts and dealings, which are known through unanimous reports. (Nursi, The Flashes, Eleventh Flash)
Based on those rules, cleaning the mouth is a sunnah of wudu and is connected to worship. Altering this sunnah is a bid’ah (something that entered into religion afterwards) and it cannot be changed.
While cleaning the mouth before making wudu, it is a sunnah to do it in detail with various tools. We can say that cleaning the mouth with a miswak, toothbrush and other tools is suitable for this sunnah. This hadith shows the importance of prayer performed by cleaning the mouth:
“A prayer performed using miswak is superior to seventy prayers performed without using miswak.” (see Musnad, 6/272)
Another hadith that gives information about the importance and value of cleaning the mouth is as follows:
“If I knew that it would not be difficult for my ummah, I would order them to make wudu for every prayer and to use miswak for every wudu.” (Bukhari, Jumu'a, 8; Muslim, Taharah, 42)
Oral cleaning is included in which sunnah?
As for miswak, some scholars decree that it is a sunnah of wudu; others decree that it is a sunnah of prayer, and yet some others decree that it is a sunnah of the religion. Abu Hanifa is one of those who say that miswak is a sunnah of the religion.
Miswak is a sunnah that our Prophet (pbuh) both did and recommended to be done; because he recommended it with his words, showed it in action and set an example by practicing it in his life.
Does the toothbrush replace miswak or not?
Let us try to explain this issue from various perspectives:
In terms of health, we see that oral hygiene is poorly practiced or not practiced and misapplied although everyone knows that it is necessary and important.
Cleaning the mouth is one of the daily habits that we should adopt when we were children, like many habits.
There is hardly any place in our body without microorganisms and especially bacteria. Those bacteria are a part of our body and crucial for life. When we say microbes, harmful things always come to mind, but most bacteria are beneficial for us. There is no problem as long as the body balance is not disturbed.
It is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the mouth on a daily basis so as not to disturb the balance in the mouth. It is a mechanical cleaning to remove bacterial plaque that accumulates on the teeth. Today, science has agreed on it. Drugs and chemicals cannot be used for a long time instead of mechanical cleaning; if used, the balance of microbiota in the mouth is disturbed, leading to the emergence of especially fungal diseases.
Tools used in mechanical cleaning are brushes, miswak, dental floss, toothpicks and interdental brushes.
Our scholars state that the purpose of following the Sunnah is to attain the consent of Allah (swt) and the intercession (Shafa’ah) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The main purpose of following the Sunnah is to gain the consent of Allah. Sunnahs are also a means of world bliss. For example, as we earn thawabs by eating less with the intention of following the sunnah, we also protect our health. Sunnahs are a means of assistance for happiness in the world and the hereafter. Especially the sunnahs that are related to customs are generally necessary for our worldly health. When we abandon such sunnahs because of our laziness, we do not commit sins, but we become deprived of their benefits.
Some scholars suggest that some types of customary sunnahs may change over time. For example, they interpret archery and riding horses like that: “Everything with which a man amuses himself is vain except three (things): a man's training of his horse, his playing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow. If anyone abandons archery after becoming an adept through distaste for it, it is a blessing he has abandoned.“ (al-Jami' as-Saghir, 1/478, No: 955)
Cars have replaced the horse these days, and tomorrow other vehicles can replace them. Besides, riding a horse and shooting arrows is beneficial and sunnah as long as it is done with the intention of following the sunnah and training. Today's weapons and vehicles are not an obstacle to do it.
“These three things are the bliss for son of Adam; a suitable wife, a spacious house, a comfortable mount.” (Musnad, 1/168) The Prophet describes a mount as one of the basic elements of our happiness. While camels, horses, donkeys and mules were mounts at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), today there are cars, even private planes and helicopters in our daily life.
The 60th verse of Surat al-Anfal encourages a Muslim to work and to be strong:
“Prepare against them what you believers can of military power “
“Beware, strength consists in archery. Beware, strength consists in archery. Beware, strength consists in archery.” (see Muslim, Imarah,167; Abu Dawud, Jihad,23; Tirmidhi, Tafsiru sureti 8; Ibn Majah, Jihad, 19).
This description of strength will continue to be valid until Doomsday. In every era, those who held the advantage of shooting were superior. (arrow, gun, howitzer, missile, anti-missile, etc.)
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) advised a Muslim to be strong.
Being strong is possible with the health, which is necessary for all good things. The most important blessing given to man after the blessing of belief is health. One of the important elements of being healthy is possible by paying attention to material and spiritual cleanliness.
Islam attaches importance to external and spiritual cleanliness.
There is almost no one who has not heard the hadith "Cleanliness is half of belief". The Covid-19 outbreak has highlighted the importance of cleaning even more these days. Oral cleaning has also attracted a lot of attention due to this virus because one of the ways for the disease to enter the human body is the mouth. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) emphasized the cleanliness of the mouth with his many hadiths and practices.
Therefore, one of the most important sunnahs that are about to be forgotten, improperly applied or not understood well is using miswak and similar materials in mouth cleaning.
Miswak is a cleaning tool that was used by many tribes and that dates back to very old times. The Babylonians, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Africans, South Americans and Arabs used the arak tree for mouth cleaning. In addition, other plants have been used for cleaning the mouth (olive tree, orange tree, etc.). Miswak came to the fore more with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Especially unbelievers opposed and rejected miswak, as in everything else, because it came to the fore with Islam.
Those who are sensitive to the Sunnah and use miswak say, “We will use only miswak” and opposed other cleaning tools because the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) used it.
Thus, they went to extremes. The wise one is the moderate one, to use either one when it is appropriate.
Miswak, which is derived from the word "siwak", which means "to rub something", is obtained from the branches of a tree called arak (Salvadora persica linn). Miswak is the name of the branches or roots of the tree used for mouth cleaning. Miswak and Siwak are used in the same sense in hadiths.
So, the main thing is to clean the mouth and do it mechanically.
The thin branches of the wild olive tree are also used as a miswak now and were used at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
No chemicals or drugs can replace mechanical cleaning and cannot be used for a long time. Apart from mechanical cleaning, the only chemical agent that can prevent plaque formation is chlorhexidine digluconate. This substance is harmful to health if it is used more than 10-15 days in some diseases.
By using miswak, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) showed that mechanical cleaning is indispensable in cleaning the mouth. Toothbrushes also do this partially. Using only the brush is insufficient for cleaning the teeth.
According to the narrations of the Companions, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used miswak day and night. He always used miswak, especially when entering the house, before going to sleep, when he got up from bed and before leaving house for prayer. He also used miswak while resting in his house or in the mosque.
Many substances enter the body through the mouth. This entry is caused by absorption from the digestive tract, the mucosa covering the mouth, and the salivary ducts. People with high blood pressure are given sublingual antihypertensive drugs to lower blood pressure. It acts faster than the drug injected into the serum which is given through the vein because there are a lot of receptors on the palate and at the base of the mouth. Miswak and its ingredients are absorbed by dissolving in saliva in this way stimulating the taste buds and mucosa in the mouth.
How to use Miswak?
It is necessary to use the miswak for 2-3 minutes in order to benefit sufficiently from it in the mouth and teeth cleaning. Approximately 3-5 seconds are necessary for one tooth to mechanically remove the microbial dental plaque. For an individual with 28 teeth, that makes 84-140 seconds. And it is approximately 1.5-2.5 minutes.
Abu Musa (r.a) narrates: “I visited the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). He was brushing his teeth with a miswak in his hand and he was producing a sound like ‘u’ as if he was vomiting." (Bukhari, Wudu, 73)
Abu Imama (r.a) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Use miswak for your teeth because miswak is a means of cleaning the mouth. It is conducive to Allah's consent. Every time Jibril came, he recommended miswak to me so much that if I had not worried that I would cause hardship to me and my ummah, I would have made it fard to them. I use miswak so much that I feel worried that my front teeth (or gums) will be abraded from the bottom.” (Ibn Majah, Taharah 7)
Those two hadiths show that the Prophet (pbuh) used miswak for a long period.
As far as we can see around us, most people use miswak horizontally from right to left, but for up to 5 seconds and we observe that the tip of the miswaks they use are worn so much as to have lost their effectiveness. Yes, that person gets a thawab due to his intention, but he does not follow the sunnah completely. We think that he will not be able to fully benefit from the health benefits of this sunnah.
Likewise, most people use the toothbrush for 10-15 seconds. With such short-term brushing, the teeth are not fully cleaned.
The tip of the miswak should be fibrous. Thinned and bent miswak tips should be renewed. In the same way, the toothbrushes should be replaced when the tips are bent.
Miswak and toothbrush should be used gently as if caressing teeth and gums. It should be used horizontally and vertically. When applied vertically, we are recommended to use it downward from the upper teeth and upward from the lower teeth. We should use brush the teeth, gums and even tongue with miswak.
How to clean the mouth if there is no miswak or toothbrush?
If our miswak or toothbrush is not with us, there are occasions that will guide us in the hadiths about how to clean our mouth after making wudu or after eating.
"How good are those members of my ummah who clean between their fingers while taking wudu and clean their teeth after eating." (Musnad, 5/416)
“Clean between your teeth with a toothpick after eating because it is cleanliness. And cleanliness calls for belief. Belief is with its owner in Paradise.” (al-Jaami' as-Saghir, 3/236, No: 3267)
After washing our hands, we can also partially clean our teeth and gums by rubbing with our index fingers. It is especially useful to massage the gums in this way. Sturdy and triangular shaped toothpicks can be used to clean between teeth.
Qadi Ayyad states that it is understood from the hadith mentioning that the first thing the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did when he came home was to clean his teeth with miswak that he frequently used miswak, that he did not regard it enough to use it only once during the day and once at night, and that it is understood from his practices that miswak should be used at home rather than in places where people gather. Abu Shama includes this interpretation to support the opinion that it is not pleasant for some people to bring miswak to the mosque and use it before every prayer. (as-Siwak, Tanta 1410/1990, p. 72)
In addition, in the books related to education and good manners, attention is drawn to
- the importance of using miswak in terms of taking care of cleaning on the one hand,
- and that it is not appropriate for a person to clean their teeth with a toothpick in the presence of a group of people on the other hand.
What is the last thing the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used before his death?
"Hz. Aisha (ra) narrates: During the illness of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), my brother Abdurrahman Ibn Abu Bakr (ra) came. He had a miswak in his hand; he was brushing his teeth. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) looked at that miswak and I said, "Give me that miswak!" He gave it. I gnawed and chipped it with my teeth and softened the tip and gave it to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) brushed his teeth with that miswak while his head was leaning against my chest." (Bukhari, Maghazi 83; Muslim, Salah 90)
Acting upon this hadith, some scholars decreed that the moment of death of a believer using miswak would be easier.
Is it useless for non-Muslims to use miswak?
A non-Muslim who uses miswak benefits from the worldly advantages of miswak but he cannot benefit from its otherworldly advantages.
Everyone is equal before the laws Allah (swt) has set in the universe, whether they are Muslims or not. Whoever obeys these laws better will succeed. Therefore, whoever uses the miswak properly will benefit from it.
Which miswak is more useful?
If Miswak is fresh or 1-2 months old, its benefit is more. There are more volatile compounds and substances that give a good smell in fresh miswak than non-fresh ones. Miswak is recommended to be 15-20 cm long and as thick as a little finger. Our scholars described this measure practically as “each person's own handspan and the thickness of his own little finger." There is no harm in using a thinner miswak than this measure. We can use all kinds of miswaks that are intact and not moldy. 1 cm of the bark of the tip of the miswak is removed and this peeled part of the tip is left in clean water until softened. The softened tip is made fibrous with the tooth or the handle of the knife and used in this way.
Miswak can be used like holding a pencil or a toothbrush. Some of the scholars advised that the lower part of the miswak should be kept on the little finger. It is used for a longer period than the toothbrush. It is used for teeth, gums and tongue without putting any substance on it.
Miswak must be clean and always kept clean.
Hz. Aisha (r.a) narrates: "I would prepare three covered pots at night for the Messenger of Allah: One pot for wudu, one pot for miswak and one pot for his drink.” (Ibn Majah, Ashriba, 16)
As can be understood from the hadith, miswak must be washed after use and stored in a clean container. It is important in terms of both religion and health. When using it again, after rinsing the mouth, miswak is applied dry. The toothbrush is also applied dry to the teeth. It is important in order to increase the mechanical effect.
Most of the foreign resources call the miswak as “chewing stick” probably because we make the miswak fibrous with our teeth. In other sources, miswak is named as "natural toothbrush" and miswak tree as "toothbrush tree".
Scientific studies on miswak and benefits of miswak
There is the PubMed site, which is a widely used search engine for articles in medicine and other healthcare fields. When we searched for Salvadora persica in Pubmed, we found 169 articles, and when we searched it as “miswak”, we found 152 articles. When we searched for miswak or salvadora persica, we found 250 articles. (This research was carried out on 19. 07. 2020)
There are thousands of articles on Google Scholar, too. In the light of this research, let us try to explain briefly the substances in the miswak.
The benefits of miswak are explained in three ways in scientific studies:
- Mechanical effect of fibrils,
- The effect of chemical substances in miswak,
- And the effect of those two together.
Miswak contains organic and inorganic compounds. Of the 100 units of miswak, 27 percent is composed of solid substances. (Substances that produce ash when burned.) It contains a high proportion of alkaloids. Miswak extract has a high antimicrobial and antioxidant effect.
Sodium chloride, sulfur, calcium chloride, vitamin C, potassium chloride, phosphorus, sodium bicarbonate, fluorite, silicon (silica) and calcium form its inorganic structure.
Silica, which is widely used in toothpastes, helps to remove stains and deposits on the teeth. It is an abrasive substance. Sodium chloride prevents tartar formation and is antiseptic. It has a moderate antibacterial effect. Fluorite, which is frequently used in toothpaste, prevents the formation of caries; it is effective in remineralization, which means the repair of micro-level losses of the enamel (crown) that forms the hardest layer of the tooth. Minerals and compounds such as sodium bicarbonate and calcium also play an important role in remineralization.
In addition, miswak contains organic substances such as volatile oils (benzyl nitrile, eugenol, thymol, isothymol, eucalyptol, isoterpinolene, β- caryophyllene), phenolic compounds, fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, stearic acids),tannic acid, alkaloids (salvadorine, trimethylamine), mustard oil, resin, flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, quercetin rutin, quercetin) glycosides, salicylic acid, saponin, sterols, alpha amylase, benzyl isothiocyanate. We will briefly mention the effect of some of those substances here.
The resin prevents the formation of caries by creating a physical barrier on the enamel. Mustard oil relaxes the stomach and has an antiulcer effect. It is carminative. Fatty acids have antiseptic and buffering effects. Thanks to their bitter taste, they stimulate and increase saliva flow. Volatile oils have a buffering, analgesic and antiseptic effect. They increase the flow rate of saliva. Tannic acid is effective on plaque and inflammation. It has an astringent effect on the gums. It prevents formation of tumor (antitumor effect). Benzyl isothiocyanate is found in large amounts in miswak. It has a fast and powerful effect against pathogenic bacteria and especially gram-negative bacteria. Alkaloids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They have a stimulating effect on the gums.
The benefits of miswak should not be limited only to oral and dental health. It also benefits general health, especially eyes, memory, stomach and kidneys.
Although our scholars think miswak made from arak tree is more appropriate in terms of sunnah, they say that miswak can be made from other trees (such as wild olive trees). Nylon brushes can also be used, although they are not a substitute for the miswak made of arak tree.
Thus, regards cleaning the teeth essential. Islamic scholars state that the best means of it is the miswak made from arak tree, but it is not necessary to insist that it must be the miswak obtained from the arak tree.
According to Abu Hanifa, miswak is a sunnah of both wudu and the religion. It is recommended to use miswak regularly. It is inexpensive, simple and easy to use. Therefore, it is of human nature to use brushes and miswak.
Some people use the toothbrush and the miswak together. There are those who do the rough cleaning with a toothbrush and even sometimes they add coconut oil on toothbrush. Occasionally, it may be appropriate to brush teeth with the plainest toothpaste. However, there are also those who prefer to use the toothbrush without toothpaste. After that, cleaning can be done with miswak. We should try to use miswak as much as we can before wudu. If there is no brush or miswak with us, we should try to clean our teeth by rubbing with our index fingers while performing wudu. Application and preference may vary depending on the person.
The important thing is to try to protect oral and dental health with the intention of following the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and the trust given to us by Allah (swt). We should use the way and the method that is easier or more appropriate to do while doing it.
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TAFAKKUR: Part 124
Dental Care with Miswak
We all may appreciate the difference between the positive impact made by a smile of pearly-white teeth and the repulsion triggered by yellowed and blackened rotten teeth, but the health issues run much deeper: as our medical knowledge grows, we are discovering that many diseases originate from dental cavities where microbes teem and nest, causing inflammations in many organs and tissues, most notably in the heart, kidneys, and joints.
The use of herbal sticks for cleaning teeth dates back to around 3500 BC, the time of the Babylonians. In several works of Ancient Greek and Roman literature, chewable sticks to aid dental and mouth hygiene are mentioned. Hippocrates (355 BC) advises rubbing a ball of cotton wrapped around a stick and dipped in honey on teeth, to maintain dental hygiene, whereas Romans used pastes obtained from gumwood. Dental hygiene is coming throughout history.
Arabs utilized the miswak for many years. The Japanese used wooden sticks called “koyoji” and Jews used wooden sticks called “kesam.” In the 1920s, in some rural areas across the United States, a stick of blood-twig was used for rubbing on the teeth. And according to a Chinese encyclopedia published in the seventeenth century, the first-ever toothbrush was made in China, in 1498.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned those of his Companions who visited him with bad teeth about the need for dental hygiene (Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad 1/214):
“I oft reiterated my recommendations to you about the miswak.” (Bukhari, Jum’a 8; Nasai, Taharah 5; Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad 3/143; Darimi, Wudhu’ 18)
“(The Archangel) Gabriel counseled me to use the miswak so much that I thought a verse might be revealed about the miswak to decree its use as obligatory for all.” (Ibn Majah)
Obviously he assigned the utmost importance to dental hygiene. It should be noted here that the Araq tree (Salvadora persica) from which the miswaq is obtained has features that are not present in other trees, and the Prophet particularly specified using the roots of that tree as the miswak.
Research has been conducted to discover the scientific and modern medicinal effects of the miswak, which has been used by Muslims in adherence to the Prophet’s practice. In 2010, a Ph.D. study at Karolinka Institute, Sweden, provided a significant message about its effectiveness (Picture 1).
The Araq tree, which is used as the miswak across a geography spanning from Africa to the far east, is a short tree or bush with a slanted trunk, and it is easy to chew its spongy roots, parts of which generally expand and soften when dipped in water.
The roots of the Araq tree are washed to remove the soil, and approximately 1 cm from the tip of the root stick is peeled to be used as the toothbrush. The stick is pummeled or chewed until the fibers become softer. Fresh and soft miswak are preferable: If the miswak is dry, it is advised to dip it in freshwater for 24 hours before use. It is better to peel frequently, so the tip is renewed. The most practical advice is to use the peeled tip until it loses its tang and fragrance, because the fragrant components indicate the beneficial effect of the miswak. According to a study, using the same tip for more than 24 hours lowers its cytotoxic ability to get rid of microbes.
The practice of using miswak in the Muslim World is widespread in Asia, Africa, and some regions in the Middle East. As many Muslims opt for miswak use to maintain a practice of the Prophet, the World Health Organization (WHO) also advises and encourages the use of miswak as an effective dental hygiene tool along with the conventional toothbrush. The miswak is easy to use and effective; it also has chemical properties that help control dental plaque. Based on the basic information we have about the miswak, we can easily say that deeper research is needed for its different components, like its fibers, essence, and essential oils.
Antibacterial effects of the miswak
The antibacterial activities of the essences obtained by crushing different roots of the miswak have been analyzed by microbiological techniques. It was discovered that the miswak essence has a very strong antibacterial effect, predominantly against Gram-negative bacteria, including mouth-cavity microbes like Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Two additional studies conducted on five different types of bacteria i.e. Streptococcus mutans, S. faecalis, S. aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Salmonella enterica, and Candida albicans, and a type of fungus [5, 6, 7, 8] revealed that the miswak essence stops the reproduction of micro-organisms, has a lower effect on Lactobacillus acidophilus, is active against Herpes simplex virus which causes blistered lesions, and suppresses acid production.
The essential oil obtained from miswak essence includes 70% benzyl isothiocyanate, 9.4% limonene, 8.7% I-pinene and 2.55% flavonoid. As the miswak’s main antibacterial component, benzyl isothiocyanate kills bacteria by forming protrusions on their cell membranes. The volatile nature of this substance may open doors to new practices requiring antibacterial treatment. It has been proven that fresh miswak is effective at preventing the formation of dental plaque and gum inflammation, and it has also been acknowledged that it may play a potential role in preventing periodontal diseases.
The miswak essence hinders acidic (pH) conditions causing tartar and dental plaque, leads to a long-term increase of pH in the mouth, stimulates saliva flow in the parotid glands (located in front of both ears), and prevents tartar formation.
It is necessary to conduct further lab and clinical research to augment the positive results shown so far about the effects of the miswak against the inflammation of the palate and gums, as well as its antiviral and antifungal activities. Some research has additionally suggested that the miswak has antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. It is claimed that potassium chloride, salvadourea (a urea derivative), alkaloids, and oleic and linoleic acids in the miswak sap increase the viscosity of saliva, helps it to soak into hard-to-reach corners in the mouth, and contributes to overall dental hygiene. It is reported that a substance named Xylitol in the miswak essence suppresses acid production and the reproduction of mutant streptococci [9, 10].
An interesting substance in the miswak oil
Benzyl-isothiocyanates are effective molecules in the defense systems of several plants such as cabbage, watercress, and broccoli. Secreted after damage to plant tissues, benzyl isothiocyanate forms a protective antibacterial layer on the damaged part of the plant. While dental plaque and tartar are mechanically removed by rubbing the miswak on teeth, this action also helps the substance secreted from the miswak reach deeper parts of the oral cavity. It is especially proven that benzyl isothiocyanates are strongly effective as bactericide on Gram-negative bacteria and have minimal effect on Gram-positives.
Lab tests conducted on animals indicate that these components also have anti-carcinogenic activity, and people who get isothiocyanates by nutrition have a lower risk of cancer. It is fascinating that the miswak, too, has the same substance.
While introducing a new set of ethical principles, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, revoked some customs and habits inherent to the pagan culture before Islam (Age of Ignorance) and kept others. Using miswak was a practice among the Arabs in the region; the Prophet encouraged its use and emphasized its benefits. Eventually, Muslims have adopted it as not only a habitual practice, but also as a healthy spiritual activity and are keeping the memory of the Prophet alive.
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Gum Recession Grow Back
Despite the fact that dental care was certainly not a concentrated branch of Ayurveda, it is actually consisted of in its own Shalakya Tantra (body of surgical operation). Problems including impairments of the oral cavity, oral plaque buildups and diseases were actually taken care of in ancient India. Standard medicine may manage various contagious as well as chronic problems. For more about Grow Back Receding Gums
Research has presented that all sort of eating sticks illustrated in old Ayurveda content possess therapeutic as well as anti-cariogenic buildings. Its oil taking (Kaval, Gandush) practice is actually asserted to cure about 30 systemic ailments.
Gum Regrowth Treatment
Amla (Emblic myrobalan), is actually a basic rebuilder of oral health. Bilberry fruit (Vaccinium myrtillus) and hawthorn berry (Crateagus oxycanthus) support bovine collagen, reinforcing the gum tissue. Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabral) markets anti-cavity action, minimizes cavity enducing plaque, and has an antibacterial impact. Use risk-free, quality items as well as techniques need to be actually made sure based upon readily available proof if standard medicine is to become acknowledged as part of main health care. Scientific verifications of the Ayurveda dental health strategies can justify their consolidation right into modern dental care. Promotion of these methods using ideal media would certainly benefit the basic populace by offering additional assurance in the old techniques, thus protecting against dental caries and also loss. Keyword phrases: Ayurveda, kaval, oral health, oil taking, traditional medication Go to: INTRO
Ayurveda is actually an all natural system of medication which grew in India some 3000-5000 years ago, a body of standard medicine belonging to the Indian subcontinent, now performed in various other component of the world as a form of corresponding medicine. [1] The earliest literary works on Indian medical technique appeared throughout the Vedic duration in India. The Susruta Samhita as well as the Charaka Samhita are its earliest authoritative messages. [2] Over the centuries, Ayurvedic practitioners built great deals of medical preparations and surgical procedures for the treatment of several health problems as well as diseases. [3] Although dentistry was actually not a specialized branch of Ayurveda, it was actually featured in its own device of surgery. In ancient India, concerns like impairments of the mouth, oral plaque buildups and also diseases might be handled and also also treated.
Gum Regrowth Treatment At Home
Conventional medication is actually the sum total of knowledge, capabilities and strategies based on the ideas, opinions as well as knowledge indigenous to various cultures that are actually used to preserve health, and also to prevent, identify, boost or deal with physical and mental illnesses. Standard medication that has been actually embraced by other populaces (outside its own indigenous culture) is commonly labelled complementary or even holistic medicine. Natural medicines consist of herbs, organic materials, plant based prep work, and finished herbal products which contain portion of plants or even various other plant products as energetic components.
In some Asian and African nations, 80% of the population depends upon typical medication for main medical. In a lot of established nations, 70% to 80% of the populace has actually made use of some type of substitute or corresponding medicine. Organic treatments are actually the most preferred form of standard medicine, and also are extremely beneficial in the global market place. Yearly incomes in Western Europe got to US$ 5 billion in 2003-2004. In China sales of items headed to US$ 14 billion in 2005. Organic medicine profits in Brazil was US$ 160 thousand in 2007. [4] Ayurveda and also oral health
In Ayurveda, dental health (danta swasthya in Sanskrit) is upheld be actually really individual, varying with each person's nature (prakriti), and also weather modifications resulting from sunlight, lunar and planetary effects (kala-parinama). The body system constitution is actually classified based upon the preponderance of several of the 3 doshas, vata, pitta as well as kapha. The domination dosha in both the personal and also attribute finds out medical in Ayurveda, featuring dental health.
Natural Gum Regrowth
[5] Most likely to: EATING STICKS
Ayurveda suggests chewing embed the morning along with after every meal to stop ailments. Ayurveda insists on making use of herbal combs, around 9 inches long as well as the density of one's little finger. These natural herb sticks ought to be either 'kashaya' (astringent), 'katu (acrid), or 'tikta' (harsh) in flavor. The approach of making use of is to crush one point, chew it, and consume it little by little. [6] Toothbrushing is actually a task executed with a 'tooth brush' which is an exclusive little brush designed for make use of on teeth. Nibbling a therapeutic stick equivalent advised by a Vaidya, or other typical practitioner, might validly be actually upheld be equivalent to the western-pioneered activity of 'brushing the teeth ', however it is actually not adequately similar to become given the exact same name, especially given that sticks that are munched are made use of totally in different ways coming from combs.
It is actually advised that chewing sticks be acquired from new controls of details plants. The neem (margosa or even the Azadiraxhta indica) is a famous organic chewing stick. The stems need to be actually well-balanced, soft, without leaves or knots and also drawn from a healthy tree. Nibbling on these stems is strongly believed to result in attrition and levelling of attacking areas, help with salivary secretion and, possibly, assistance in oral plaque buildup control, while some stems have an anti-bacterial action. With reference to the individual's constitution and also dominant dosha, it is actually specified that folks with the vata dosha dominance might establish atrophic and also receding gums, as well as are encouraged to utilize chewing stick to bitter-sweet or even astringent preferences, including liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and black catechu or even the cutch plant (Acacia Catechu Linn.), specifically.
Natural Gum Regrowth Treatment
[7] Pitta dosha leading individuals are highly recommended to use chewing stick to an unsweetened flavor like the branches coming from the margosa plant (Azadirachta indica or even natures neem) as well as the arjuna plant (Terminalia arjuna). Those with the kapha dosha prevalent are probably to have light as well as hypertrophic gums and are actually asked to utilize chewing sticks with a poignant taste, presenting the fever nut (Caesalipinia bonduc) and the typical milkweed vegetation (Calotropis procera). Present-day research has actually revealed that all the chewing sticks defined in historical Ayurveda content (circa 200 BC) possess therapeutic and also anti-cariogenic properties. [8] Saimbi et al (1994) assessed the anti plaque effectiveness of Neem remove, Ayurvedic tooth grains and also commercial tooth pastes. Neem extract prevailed as well as commercial tooth pastes were actually the last. [9] In one more research study Venugopal et al (1998) assessed a total amount of 2000 children (1-14 year age group) in Mumbai for cavities incidence. Those children who were actually utilizing natures neem datun were located to be less impacted along with cavities. [10] In southern India, mango fallen leave is actually largely used for cleaning teeth. A clean mango leaf is actually washed and the midrib is cleared away. Fallen leave is actually then folded up lengthwise with shiny surfaces encountering each other. It is rolled into a round pack. One point of the pack is bitten off 2-3mm to develop a raw surface area which is rubbed on the teeth - pack is actually held in between the thumb as well as the forefinger. In the end, the midrib, which was first removed, is actually made use of as a tongue cleaner. Sumant et alia (1992) assessed the efficiency of mango fallen leave as an oral health help and also acquired interesting results. [11] Much higher soft down payment ratings were stated in team that made use of mango leaf. Cavities knowledge in this group utilizing mango leaf was similar to the group that utilized tooth comb. Mangiferin a substance found in mango leaves had considerable antibacterial property against particular strains of Pneumococci, Streptococci, Staphylococci, as well as Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Gum Regrowth At Home
The miswak (miswaak, siwak, sewak) is actually a teeth washing branch created from a branch of the Salvadora persica tree, additionally called the arak plant or even the peelu plant and also functions in Islamic health jurisprudence. The miswak is predominant in Muslim locations yet its make use of precedes the inception of Islam. Almas and also Atassi (2002) carried out research to analyze the effect of miswak and also tooth brush filaments end-surface structure on enamel. Twenty-one specimens were actually prepared; they were actually divided right into Aquafresh toothbrush team, Miswak group as well as command team. End results revealed that filaments end-surface texture play major duty in abrasive energetic activity as well as enamel tooth area loss. Miswak revealed smaller result on enamel as compared to Aquafresh toothbrush. [12] Almas and Zeid (2004) in a research to determine antimicrobial activity of miswak chewing embed vivo, particularly on streptococcus mutans and also lactobacilli confirmed that miswak had a prompt antimicrobial result reviewed to toothbrush. Streptococcus mutans were more at risk to miswak than lactobacilli. [Thirteen]
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Do Gums Grow Back?
Although dentistry was not a focused branch of Ayurveda, it is consisted of in its own Shalakya Tantra (device of surgical treatment). Concerns like impairments of the oral cavity, cavity enducing plaques and contaminations were handled in early India. Traditional medicine may treat numerous contagious as well as persistent problems. Read more about Will A Receding Gum Grow Back?
Research has presented that all kinds of eating sticks described in ancient Ayurveda content possess therapeutic as well as anti-cariogenic residential or commercial properties. Its oil pulling (Kaval, Gandush) practice is actually stated to cure about 30 systemic conditions. Amla (Emblic myrobalan), is an overall rebuilder of oral health. Bilberry fruit (Vaccinium myrtillus) and hawthorn berry (Crateagus oxycanthus) maintain bovine collagen, strengthening the gum cells. Liquorice origin (Glycyrrhiza glabral) promotes anti-cavity action, lowers oral plaque buildup, as well as has an antibacterial effect.
Can Your Gum Line Grow Back?
Use of safe, top quality items as well as practices must be actually made certain based on available evidence if standard medication is actually to be acknowledged as aspect of main medical. Scientific verifications of the Ayurveda dental health practices can warrant their consolidation right into modern dental treatment. Publicity of these approaches using suitable media would certainly help the general populace by giving more self-confidence in the historical techniques, therefore protecting against dental caries as well as loss. Keywords: Ayurveda, kaval, oral health, oil taking, conventional medicine Go to: INTRODUCTION
Ayurveda is an all natural system of medication which grew in India some 3000-5000 years ago, a body of traditional medication native to the Indian subcontinent, right now performed in other parts of the globe as a kind of corresponding medication.
[1] The earliest literature on Indian medical technique appeared during the Vedic time period in India. The Susruta Samhita as well as the Charaka Samhita are its earliest authoritative messages. [2] Over the centuries, Ayurvedic practitioners developed large numbers of medicinal plannings as well as procedures for the treatment of numerous disorders and also ailments. [3] Although dental care was certainly not a specialized branch of Ayurveda, it was consisted of in its unit of surgical operation. In historical India, concerns including deformities of the oral cavity, cavity enducing plaques and diseases can be handled and also also healed.In another research of clients with hypertension, extreme gum disease was associated with damage left wing side of the heart.
How To Grow Back Receding Gums Naturally?
Typical medicine is the result of know-how, skill-sets as well as techniques based upon the theories, beliefs and expertises aboriginal to various cultures that are utilized to maintain health, and also to stop, identify, enhance or alleviate physical and also mental illnesses. Conventional medication that has actually been taken on through other populations (outside its own indigenous lifestyle) is actually frequently termed complementary or natural medicine. Organic medications feature cannabis, plant based materials, plant based preparations, as well as finished plant based products that contain parts of plants or even various other plant products as active elements.
In some Asian and African countries, 80% of the populace depends on typical medicine for primary healthcare. In many industrialized countries, 70% to 80% of the populace has actually utilized some kind of different or complementary medicine. Organic therapies are one of the most well-liked type of standard medication, as well as are extremely financially rewarding in the worldwide marketplace. Yearly profits in Western Europe connected with US$ 5 billion in 2003-2004. In China sales of items visited US$ 14 billion in 2005. Organic medication income in Brazil was actually US$ 160 thousand in 2007. [4] Ayurveda and oral health
In Ayurveda, dental health (danta swasthya in Sanskrit) is held to be incredibly self-loving, differing along with everyone's nature (prakriti), and weather modifications coming from solar energy, lunar as well as earthly impacts (kala-parinama).
Grow Back Receding Gums Naturally
The physical body constitution is categorized based upon the preponderance of one or more of the 3 doshas, vata, pitta as well as kapha. The prominence dosha in both the personal and nature identifies medical care in Ayurveda, consisting of dental health. [5] Go to: EATING STICKS
Ayurveda recommends eating embed the early morning in addition to after every meal to avoid diseases. Ayurveda insists on using natural brushes, about 9 ins long and also the thickness of one's little hands. These natural herb catches must be actually either 'kashaya' (astringent), 'katu (acrid), or 'tikta' (bitter) in taste. The technique of making use of is to crush one end, eat it, and eat it little by little. [6] Toothbrushing is actually a task accomplished along with a 'toothbrush' which is a special little comb made for use on teeth. Biting a therapeutic stick equivalent encouraged through a Vaidya, or even other typical specialist, might validly be actually held to be equivalent to the western-pioneered task of 'brushing the teeth ', yet it is certainly not adequately comparable to become provided the same name, exclusively given that sticks that are actually munched are actually made use of totally in a different way from brushes.
It is actually suggested that nibbling sticks be actually obtained coming from fresh contains of certain vegetations. The natures neem (margosa or the Azadiraxhta indica) is actually a popular herbal chewing stick. The contains must be healthy and balanced, soft, without fallen leaves or even knots as well as taken from a healthy and balanced plant. Eating on these arises is felt to trigger weakening and levelling of biting areas, assist in salivary tears as well as, possibly, support in oral plaque buildup command, while some stems possess an anti-bacterial activity.
Will Gums Grow Back?
Apropos of the person's constitution as well as dominant dosha, it is mentioned that people along with the vata dosha prominence might build atrophic and receding gums, and also are advised to use chewing sticks with bitter-sweet or even astringent preferences, such as liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and black catechu or the cutch plant (Acacia Catechu Linn.), specifically. [7] Pitta dosha prevalent individuals are actually recommended to make use of chewing stick to an unsweetened taste like the branches coming from the margosa tree (Azadirachta indica or natures neem) and also the arjuna plant (Terminalia arjuna). Those with the kapha dosha prevalent are actually likely to possess light and also hypertrophic gums as well as are asked to utilize chewing stick to a pungent taste, presenting the high temperature nut (Caesalipinia bonduc) and also the usual milkweed plant (Calotropis procera). Modern investigation has revealed that all the chewing sticks described in ancient Ayurveda text messages (circa 200 BC) possess medical and also anti-cariogenic attributes. [8] Saimbi et alia (1994) checked the antiplaque efficiency of Neem extraction, Ayurvedic tooth powders as well as office tooth pastes. Natures neem extraction triumphed and also office tooth pastes were the final. [9] In yet another study Venugopal et alia (1998) studied a total of 2000 little ones (1-14 year generation) in Mumbai for decays occurrence. Those kids who were actually utilizing natures neem datun were found to be much less influenced along with cavities. [10] In southern India, mango leaf is actually largely made use of for cleansing teeth. A clean mango fallen leave is cleaned and the midrib is removed. Leaf is at that point folded lengthwise with glossy surface areas experiencing each other. It is actually rolled into a cylindrical pack. One end of this pack is actually bitten off 2-3mm to create a raw surface area which is wiped on the teeth - pack is held between the finger and also the index finger. By the end, the midrib, which was first cleared away, is actually utilized as a tongue cleaner. Sumant et alia (1992) examined the efficacy of mango leaf as an oral hygiene aid as well as gotten exciting searchings for.
How To Strengthen Gums Naturally?
[11] Greater smooth down payment scores were actually stated in team that used mango fallen leave. Cavities experience in this group using mango fallen leave was similar to the group that utilized tooth brush. Mangiferin a material current in mango leaves had considerable antibacterial characteristic versus certain strains of Pneumococci, Streptococci, Staphylococci, and also Lactobacillus acidophilus.
The miswak (miswaak, siwak, sewak) is actually a teeth cleansing twig created coming from a branch of the Salvadora persica tree, additionally called the arak tree or even the peelu plant and features in Islamic health law. The miswak is predominant in Muslim regions but its own use precedes the inception of Islam. Almas and also Atassi (2002) performed study to examine the effect of miswak as well as tooth comb filaments end-surface structure on enamel. Twenty-one samplings were readied; they were actually arranged right into Aquafresh toothbrush team, Miswak team and also control team. Outcomes revealed that filaments end-surface texture action primary role in rough active activity and polish tooth surface area loss. Miswak showed lesser impact on enamel as contrasted to Aquafresh toothbrush.
Do Receding Gums Grow Back?
[12] Almas and Zeid (2004) in a research to analyze antimicrobial activity of miswak eating stick in vivo, specifically on streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli confirmed that miswak possessed a prompt antimicrobial impact compared to toothbrush. Streptococcus mutans were even more susceptible to miswak than lactobacilli. [13]
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